Historical Interest
Rockcorry is a beautiful village situated only five minutes drive from Cootehill in Co Cavan and ten minutes drive from Monaghan town.
Set on the outskirts of Dartry forest. The village of Rockcorry developed as a result of the linen industry. The remains of the old mill & red brick chimney are still to be seen on the Monaghan road beside the picnic area.
The Corry family owned the lands on which the village grew. When the Dawson family bought the Dartry Estate in the 1830's, so the village also changed ownership at that time. The Dawson monument still stands on the Cootehill/Rockcorry road in memory of Richard Dawson MP, who died in 1807, said to be erected by the voters of the area in praise of their member of parliament.

The estate is now owned by Coillte and contains the most beautiful and tranquil walks, it is also home to a herd of wild deer which can be seen roaming freely in the forest.
The Tanagh Outdoor Education Centre adjoins Dartry Forest. Now owned by County Monaghan Vocational Education Commitee and is used as a facility for the education of a vide spectum of people from all walks of life. The complex was originally a residence for the Landlord of the Dartry Castle estate. It was then changed for use as an Army Barracks with dormatories and a chapel for the use of the staff. The barracks were is regular use as the "troubles" were at their height through the 70's & 80's but as the security demands reduced, the premises were found to surplus to requirements and were then taken over by a religous order as a seminary.
The monaghan V.E.C. leased the complex for it's present use and visiting numbers have increased steadily to avail of the services provided by the staff. Half Day & Full Day programmes for families & groups are available by contacting the office 00353(0)49 5552988.